
Cycling to raise money

Today we welcomed Dan Smith  to the foodbank. He is cycling from Stoke to Morecambe in two weeks to raise money for the Trussell Trust, calling at as many foodbanks as he can on the way.  This afternoon he’s going to Blackburn foodbank and is hoping to finish in Morecambe at the end of this […]

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We have moved

From Monday  24th October the Ormskirk Foodbank Distribution Centre is operating from New Church House on Church Street, Ormskirk L39 3RD. New Church House is on the left of the path as you walk up towards the entrance to Ormskirk Parish Church at the end of Church Street.  There will be no change in the […]

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M&S ‘Charity of the Year’ donation

Stephen Sloane, a store manager from Marks and Spencers, presented  a check for £819.79  to Pete Chalk for the Ormskirk Foodbank. The foodbank was Marks and Spencers’ “Charity of the Year”. The money was raised by boxes on the tills and staff initiatives such as tombolas, quiz nights, etc. We also received about £560 from […]

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Tesco Collection

MP Rosie Cooper visited Tesco‘s Burscough Bridge store on Friday with members of staff and Ormskirk Foodbank as they collected donations of food to support those in need in this area. As well as collecting food, Tesco also made a cash donation to the foodbank based on the amount of food donated which last year […]

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Help from a cub scout

My son’s cub group recently looked at issues of global poverty and were set homework to explore one aspect of poverty. He decided to look at food and health issues and was upset to find out that in the UK so many families and children are short of money for food. He came up with […]

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AGM 2016

The 2016 AGM took place on Monday 6th June at 7.30 pm at Cottage Lane Mission Annex. It reported on the work over the last year and our thoughts for the year ahead. Agenda and other documents…….

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Latest Figures for Ormskirk Foodbank

Between April 2015 and April 2016, we gave food out to 440 adults and 186 children, a total of 626 people. For the same period we gave out 293 vouchers for clients to use to buy fresh food.

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Donated Toys for Christmas

Many organisations, including Mooney Everett Solicitors and Prestige Flooring  donated toys to the foodbank for the children of the clients.  One of our volunteers organised over 60 Christmas Hampers containing food and gifts for the children.

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6 Unexpected Things Foodbanks Need

A visit to the food bank isn’t exactly a traditional Christmas activity, but one UK charity is asking for a little extra help this month, when demand is at its highest and families are choosing between eating and heating.

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Emergency Budget gets the food poverty test

David McAuley, Chief Executive of The Trussell Trust said: “We have two simple tests for the budget being delivered today.  Firstly, what does it do to reduce the number of people in poverty and hunger?  Secondly, what does it do to ensure the Government is supporting the work of charities and social enterprise in taking […]

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