Not intended to be a diary! But we thought we would share our thoughts and experiences of our first week as a Foodbank.
Tuesday 18th June 2013: We were told to expect a very slow start and perhaps not even any clients at all today, but we had four clients come to visit us, all in need and who came to the Foodbank for our help.
There is an overwhelming need out there and we are trying to make a difference. Many thanks to all our volunteers for their time, energy, enthusiasm and generosity.
Friday 21st June 2013: Another two clients arrived today for food and signposting. We are lucky to have some amazing, dedicated volunteers who work very hard. The food donations this week have been fantastic and they have all been weighed, logged and sorted.
I have heard, all foodbanks have certain items they are always short of, ours this week are coffee, tea, fruit juice and sugar. All help and donations gratefully received!
Looking forward to next week!